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  • Where to begin with Whole 30

    I thought I would put together a list of tips & FAQ to help all of you who may feel overwhelmed on where to start. I hope you find this helpful! =)
    If you have anymore questions, feel free to email me!


    ·        READ whole30.com & whole30.com/blog
    o   Before you do anything, go to the website and read all about Whole 30 and what it is
    §  Both of these sites have endless amounts of information, tips, recipes, rules & guidelines to get you started on the right foot
    o   Some great links:
    ·        Create a Shopping List that works for YOUR lifestyle
    o   Using the shopping list provided above, go through it and mark things that you already enjoy eating…You will be surprised to find how much of what you may already eat is Whole 30 approved
    o   I also find if you put together a list of things that you enjoy eating or recognize from recipes you may already know, that makes it easier. No need to completely reinvent the wheel of your diet.
    §  For Example:
    ·        I love apples, salads and boiled eggs, all which are Whole 30 approved, so I incorporated a lot of those things into my meals
    o   Whole 30 is NOT about creating elaborate, complicated meals. I think a lot of people get overwhelmed because they think Whole 30 is going to take SO much work. Yes, it does take more work than eating on the fly all the time, but it does not have to be complicated and take up your entire life…which brings me to my next point
    ·        Keep it simple
    o   The number one thing I could tell you is to keep it simple, SO SIMPLE. Find the most basic things on the list of Whole 30 approved items and start from there for you first week.
    o   Find a meal plan that works for you or create your own, there are a TON of meal plans out there, you just search in Google or on Pinterest and you will find endless options
    o   Put together a grocery list based on the meal plan you have created and head to the grocery store
    §  I would over buy for the first week that way you don’t run out of food or find yourself in a pinch
    o   Cook big portions so you have plenty of leftovers which also makes life SO much easier and equals less time in the kitchen prepping new meals every day!
    o   Learn to eat the same thing over and over, and realize that leftovers are going to become the norm
    Clean out your pantry & fridge & get rid of everything that is not Whole 30 compliant! Ridding your house of any temptation will make everything so much easier!
    ·        Water
    o   DRINK IT! Lots of it!
    o   Hydration is key to success on Whole 30. Since you are cutting out sodas, and all the other junk, you can’t just stop drinking, which is what many do. You must force yourself to drink water.
    o   I aim to drink a gallon a day at least 5 days a week and it makes a world of difference in how I feel. I can assure you if you aren’t drinking water, you will suffer so bad, and your withdrawals from sugar and soda and junk will be magnified to the tenth degree.


    Is it expensive?
    Yes, it is more expensive to shop at Whole Foods & buy organic. But for us, when we are on Whole 30 we cut out eating out, Starbucks, gas station junk etc. So all that money that we used to spend on eating out goes towards groceries and so it all balances out and doesn't cost us anymore money. But find what works best for you, everyone is different.
    Do you have to buy organic & shop at Whole Foods?
    No, but it is highly recommended. Like the say, what you skimp on now you will pay for later (in medical bills etc). But again, find what works best for you and your family. If you can’t afford organic, eating a non-organic apple is surely better than eating a bowl of Fruit Loops. 


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